In 1854, the first known police matrons (also called jail matrons) were hired by New York City to search and guard female prisoners, but they were civilians with no law enforcement powers. Sarah “Sadie” Hill (pictured) became the second police matron in Davenport, Iowa, hired in 1893. She married George Washington Hill in Fairfield, Iowa. The couple […]
Come all button collectors!
In the midst of seasonal cleaning yesterday we stumbled upon so many special buttons! Most are Julia’s collection. The buttons in our hands are from a sewing kit that used to belong to Julia’s mother, Barbara. On the left, little rosettes… and on the right are nautical and royal crests!
The Rabbi’s Hat
This remarkable Rabbi’s hat, circa 1850-1900, arrived in the studio just in time for the Jewish High Holidays. It belongs to the Jewish Museum in Baltimore and may have once belonged to local Rabbi Benjamin Szold. Time is typically hard on delicate fabrics like velvet, but after extensive conservation the hat is whole for 5774! […]
Meridian House Hunt Tapestry: Going Home
The Meridian House Hunt Scene Tapestry was re-installed in March of 2013! This tapestry has been in the studio for about 7 months and Jane has spent hundreds of hours making repairs. It took up a good third of the studio, but up on the wall it began to look small. Goodbye Meridian Tapestry, we’re […]
Julia Marlowe
The New York Sun once wrote, “There is not a woman player in America or in England that is – attractively considered – fit to unlace her shoe.” Julia Marlowe was an English-born American actor known for her interpretations of William Shakespeare. She often played Juliet with real life partner, E. H. Sothern as her Romeo. Caring […]
Wedding Season is ringing…
It is finally Spring and three gorgeous wedding dresses have found their way to our studio! All of these little beauties have a different style. This first dress was worn by Mary Roberston, a recent Norwegian immigrant, who married a Wisconsin native in 1910. The dress was passed down two more generations in a pillowcase. […]
This sampler from November 7th, 1810, was stitched by Emma (or Emza?) Cloud. It looks like she was concentrating so hard, she stitched a backwards letter “S.”