Textiles enrich our lives. We preserve, repair, restore & display.
By Julia 5 Comments
Sutra literally means ‘thread’ – in yoga a Sutra is a short thoughtful guide that prompts study for essential wisdom. Our daily ‘threads’, that is the practice, guidance and experiences of conservation, are steeped in the wisdom of our body and mind work.
Back in the day, when stretching and covering huge 4’x 8’ boards with display fabric for gigantic rug exhibitions…I determined that conservation work requires a strong back and flexibility. But it requires way more…..
While much of our conservation work is head down, focused on a tiny hole, thread or tear, we regularly stretch, reach, climb ladders, hang over wash tanks, and sit cross legged while vacuuming textiles. Like an asana, we strive to hold a steady posture that can be maintained for a long period of time. Endurance, determination…..
Often like synchronized swimmers, we do our conservation tasks in unison. Like a Sutra, or a thread in a garland, each of us is held together in a ‘thread’, an integrated practice and slow movements – body, mind, spirit and soul. In this we find our interrelatedness. It’s powerful.
From delicately combing of threads to carefully stitching with arms and fingers extended; small motor skills are combined with balance, dexterity and serenity. In these quiet asanas, we enter a state of meditation, ignoring distractions. Acutely aware of details, like in nature.
Yoga teaches patience and endurance, cleanliness, serenity, self-discipline, self-study, self-realization and dedication. Conservation too requires these moral and physical principles and teachings. And laughter!
And we sure need all these virtues and fortitude at this time!
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I love the joy in this post, Julia. Your grin is the same one I remember from when we were kids in Thailand. I make quilts today and also feel the sutra joining my practice to both my Italian immigrant grandmother as well as the textiles of our childhood. Thank you for sharing your passion.
Love these wonderful behind-the scenes-photos sharing your world of textile conservation.
Love this wonderful practice of mindfulness and joy in work. A good balance. Great photo work too Sarah
This is absolutely excellent Julia! No intern I ever interviewed understood how physical textile conservation was. Now over 70 I am not using my body for conservation, but to garden. It still takes daily water aerobics, strength classes and Pilates to engage in these tasks.
A lovely post! The principles apply for everyone’s daily well- being. The photos are beautiful of the various projects and textiles , and hats off to the photographer for really interesting fun poses.