As many friends and colleagues know,
I am working on a book about Iwan Tirta, and the fabulous collection of his batik wall hangings owned by the American Embassy Jakarta. The wall hangings were probably acquired for the Embassy between 1973–1985. They are bold, colorful, enlarged Javanese batik motifs such as singa lion, flowers, phoenix, mythical animals, fish, wyang figures…
My co- author, Benny Gratha, Museum Tekstil, and I are researching the early days of Iwan’s artistry and reaching out for contacts, stories, referrals, photos, sources…
In particular, the early 1960’s and his travels to Central and North Coast Java to conduct research and collect, his friends from those early days…the 1960’s at Yale U, and NYC, the 1970’s Jakarta, and his boutique Ramacraft on Jalan Panarukan, Menteng, Jakarta. Here he started designing and selling ready to wear batik dresses, upholstery and decorating cloths of batik, and his exclusive and bold wall hangings.
Please help us identify people in these photos…and fill in some missing information.
Did you ever see the batik art in the Embassy in Jakarta? Iwan is standing in front of the Great Seal batik from the 1980’s.
Do you have any old photos of the Embassy lobbies, consulate in the 1970’s or early 80’s that show Iwan’s artwork? Or do your parents?
Do you or do you know anyone who still has an Iwan wall hanging?? Can you let us know, put us in touch, or send us a photo.
Did you ever attend an Iwan art opening in Jakarta at Taman Marzuki or other cultural institutes? Have any brochures or photos?
Did you meet Iwan in Australia? He had exhibits and fashion shows there in 1968, and again by 1981 he had ‘exhibited over 40 large wall hangings in the Sydney Opera House’. Any photos or information about these trips and exhibits?
Did you know Iwan in the 1960’s, 70’s or 80s??? We would love to know your stories. At Yale, in New York?
I just acquired an Iwan Tirta batik. How can I send you a picture? Would like to know more about this piece; it’s so pretty.
I have an wall hanging ‘sawunggaling’ with sign of Iwan Tirta, about 2.5m x 2.5m
I bought a wall hanging from Iwan Tirta in 1984 in a hotel in Jakarta. I still have it. Colours are purple and white with birds, 1.3 m by 2 m signed by Iwan Tirta.
I have a piece of Iwan Tirta from the late 60s or early 70s. I would like to sell it to anyone interested to give me an offer. Will give details of the piece and provide a photo.
My wife acquired a large Phoenix b a t i k wall hanging from mr. T i r t a gallery in Indonesia in the early nineties
I have a large signed wall hanging I purchased from his Jakarta gallery in the late 1990’s.
I was doing business in Jakarta and one of the aristocrats there take me to the gallery
We lived in Jakarta Indonesia from late 1981 to the beginning of 1985. My husband was Acting General Manager and Acting Exploration Manager for a coalmining company called Arutmin Indonesia. I heard Iwan give a talk to Australian ladies and he was impressive. One story he told was his group of Batikers went back to their villages for Ramedan and this particular bus was so crowded that his best batiker got a broken arm.
Please send your email address and I will be able to send a photo of the two Iwan Tirta batiks we have on our walls in Sydney Australia. These were purchased in 1984.