Olga de Amaral, Inter-American Development Bank
Limestone Cliffs, Riscos calizos, 1988, by Olga de Amaral, is a powerful landscape evoking the majesty of nature over man, and beauty of her native Columbia. A commissioned artwork for the IDB, the conservation process was guided and enhanced by direct communication with the artist herself. The monumental textile, made up of wool, cotton and horsehair strips, was carefully cleaned, repaired and reinstalled with conservation appropriate lighting.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Pride and Prejudice fans will recognize the iconic shirt worn, famously soaking wet, worn by Colin Firth, in the BBC’s classic 1995 film series. A dry mannequin stood in for the heartthrob at Folger Shakespeare Library’s exhibit, Will and Jane, drawing Shakespeare and Austen fans alike. The wedding bonnet, worn by the character Jane Bennet and whose exquisite detailing was seen in the opening credits and the finale of the film, accompanied the shirt.
Museum of the Bible
Noble Women and the Bible, explored the religious and civic lives of seven women of the ancient Stolberg family. The last in line, Magdalene, served as the abbess of Drübeck Abbey for 47 years, experiencing the German Empire, World War I and II and the establishment of East Germany. Her dignified and detailed wool habit was displayed in direct confrontation with her lavish damask silk gown worn by her younger self pre-convent life.
The Warhol Look: Glamour, Style, Fashion
The quintessential show of Andy Warhol’s world of art, fashion, and glamour was toured internationally from 1997 to June 2000. Textiles ranged from couture to wearable art – clothing worn by Warhol, a thirty-foot long camouflaged cape by Stephen Sprouse, hand-painted leather jackets and a diamond dust encrusted t-shirt.
This comprehensive project entailed close collaboration with curators and designers for the flat and 3-dimensional display of over 100 garments, as well as the selection, customized preparation and installation of each mannequin. Conservation of the collections included cleaning, stain removal, repair and preparation for shipping.